Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chapter 1 : The Start of a Journey

Captain’s Log, Day 1

This is Captain Cid and this is my story.

My airship crashed this morning and I was knocked unconscious. When I awoke, I didn’t know where I was or how to get back to Lufenia. It is a strange place here, not one I have seen before. I spent the day wandering around the land asking about this place. I found the name of this land, Riverview, and was told that the land I woke up in was currently unpopulated, so I was allowed to take it as my homestead.

I had to search around this so called “town” to find furnishings for the land I was to inhabit. I was only able to find an odd assortment, but I only plan on being here for a few days until I can build myself a new airship to take me home, so I don’t mind.

I think took a trip to what I thought was the local mechanical shop to get some parts. However, they called themselves “scientists”, whatever that is, and told me that the only way I would get what I needed is if I did some work for them first. I grudgingly agreed after I was told that no one else in this place would be able to help me. They gave me a work schedule and said they would pay me, called it a “job” I think. I hope they don’t expect me to wait around forever though, if I must I may need to steal from this place, but I am no thief and do not wish to become one. Besides, how can waiting a few days hurt me?

When I had gotten my furnishings I found that I had no food, so on the way back to my land, I stopped by a “community garden”, I think that’s what it is called. There were plenty of strange plants that were growing and I was told that they were all edible and to help myself, so I did. There were also plenty of people around so I decided to stick around some and question a few of them. That’s where I met her.

She didn’t seem like much at first glance, but then again they never do. She thought I was strange for not knowing where I was and was most helpful in explaining this new place to me.

Apparently magic exists here too, at first I did not see any signs of it, but in a different form. Instead of people being able to harness it, it just flows around the time stream and changes things. When at first I thought that a couple extra days here couldn’t hurt, I was wrong. In a single day, I will have aged as if I lived a year. Which means that in just a little over two weeks I will no longer be considered a young adult, but will instead be an adult man. The time flux does not end there. There are seven stages of life on this planet, and it must be a different planet although I still do not know how, but these stages of life do not flow seamlessly together like they should. Each stage of your life you remain exactly the same until the day you change stages, then the magic lifts you up and transforms you into your new stage. It is a strange concept and one I hope not to have to deal with too much longer.

But as I looked at her I had an idea. If I somehow gained the support of a local, I might just get what I want easier and quicker. As she told me about how relationships changed too, they were built quicker and many so called “Sims” married after only a few “days” of knowing each other, I decided that I must lay aside my feelings for my new wife and seduce the red head so that I might get away faster.

I used to be one of the best womanizers and I took all my knowledge and put it into my new plan. I told her a little about my old home and gained her sympathy in how different the two places are. I showed her my fears about finding my place in this new place and her heart melted for me.

I was even able muster up a tear, which was perfect because she fell for it and gave me a big hug, holding me close. I told her that she was the only one who seemed to understand my predicament and asked her if it would be alright if I were to go to her for help if I needed something. She agreed immediately and gave me a little black box thing she called a “cell phone”, some new technology that allows one to talk to another person over a long distance, and gave me the number I needed to enter to get a hold of her. She even gave me a lesson on how to work the thing, even though I probably would have been able to work it out myself, I let her so she would feel like I needed her even more.

We lightly flirted for a few more hours, I could already feel the way the magic worked to strengthen relationships in hours rather than days. I could see in her eyes that the moment was right.

I drew her close and kissed her. She kissed back and it was amazing. Wait, I don’t mean amazing, it was ok. I could tell she was suddenly head-over-heels for me, but I’ve hardened my heart against this and refuse myself like her back. It must all just be part of the plot that will get me back home where I belong.

As I held her close the rest of the evening before heading home I could tell that she was putty in my hands.

Something worries me though. What if I can’t go back home? What if I’m stranded here forever? Do I want to die alone? Of course not. But I can’t get pessimistic about this sort of thing. I must stay focused and not worry about tomorrow.

Captain’s Log, Day 2

When I awoke today I swear I could feel a whole year older, but I think it’s probably just all in my mind. I had some time before “work” to do some quiet reading and I started a garden on my plot of land because I didn’t want to have to depend on the local community garden for food. I had learned yesterday that apparently I need to learn different “skills” to gain promotions before they will give me the mechanical parts that I need. The reading gave me time to think however, which I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad one. All I could think of was the girl I met yesterday, Ruby. With my mind so full of plans for the future I didn’t realize that I had developed feelings for her. And not just any feelings, but deep ones that I had not thought could develop in only a few hours. Maybe this magic time thing really works like she said it did.

My thoughts were broken by a strange loud noise. I looked around and spotted some weird metal machine with a man sitting in it. The machine made the same loud noise and the man inside gestured for me to come over. I entered the machine and he explained that it was called a “car” and he would help transport me to the place I was supposed to work for the day.

While in the car, my thoughts returned to Ruby. The whole trip I tried to figure out what to do with her, I think I’ll just try and talk to her after work.

With that decision made, I was able to enter work with a clear mind ready to face the challenges of getting out of this place.

It did not go as easily as planed however, as I worked as a “test subject” I questioned those around me about this strange new world. I got various answers, but none were very helpful. The most I got back was just a confirmation about the magic that Ruby told me about and I kept getting told that to gained what I wanted, I would have to advance through the ranks of the job and become at the very least a Robot Creature Cross Breeder. I guess that is what I shall strive to do since it is the only way to get home. I just fear how long it will take me in this place and how old I will be when I finally make it home.

After work I was dropped off at home with the same strange metal machine, decided to pull out my “cell phone”, and call Ruby. I heard a strange sound, almost like a pealing bell, it happened again and then I heard her voice. I asked her if she wished to meet in the park again, but she kindly rejected me saying that she had “work”, but was willing to meet me after that at the theater. I quickly agreed and as the “call” ended, I wondered at females having jobs. I had encountered it at work myself, my boss was female, but hadn’t really given it any thought since I was so concentrated on finding a way home. I did not like the idea of females having jobs, that seemed like a male’s role, but I could not complain to her because according to social rules, I had no place trying to make her change.

Since Ruby would not be off work until late, I decided to go to the park, but on my way there I found a different park. I did not know there could be so many outdoor gathering places in a city this size. Anyway, this one had a chess table and I enjoy the pursuit of logic and knowledge, so I decided to play a few games with myself. Moving the pieces around made me think of how I could move people and things in my control around to get what I wanted. Not in an evil, manipulative way of course, but it’s just logical to use the tools around you to help yourself, like using a wrench to fix a sink.

A weird music shattered my concentration as it was turning dark and I searched for the source. It appeared to be the cell phone Ruby gave me. The display was flashing and said someone was trying to reach me. I pressed a button that said answer, and her voice came over the speakers. She said that she had just gotten off work and wondered if I would meet her at the local theater. I agreed and she gave me directions on how to get there. I like that she seems to know her way around here, I find it so confusing sometimes.

When I got to the theater, she was waiting for me and pulled me into a big hug.

We started talking for a little while before deciding to skip the “movie”, it didn’t look very interesting, and instead take a tour around the place so that I could see how it worked. It was a very informative tour and Ruby seemed to enjoy herself immensely, but I could only half pay attention, my eyes kept being drawn to this strange woman that was more confusing that any problem I had dealt with before. Eventually we both got tired from long days at work, and she hadn’t eaten since before work, so we went our separate ways, promising to meet up again the next day.

I went to bed almost immediately and was falling asleep before I realized that I had been so busy staring at Ruby, I still hadn’t made up my mind about what to do with her, my feelings, and this place that just yesterday seemed so foreign and bad, but had started to grow on me. I hadn’t been expecting that, who would. A small voice in the back of my head wondered as I fell asleep if it would be so terrible to make a home here.

Captain’s Log, Day 3

Today flew by like a blur. I woke up and barely had time to water and weed my garden, which even though I had only planted the seeds yesterday were beginning to sprout and grow, before the car came to pick me up for work. I worked hard, but slightly distracted, I couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything, my mind was racing about a million things, most of them centered on Ruby and the life that I wanted to live. At the end of the day, my boss called me into her office and offered me the position of Lab Tech, I would have the same hours, but get paid a little more and be one step closer to getting what I originally wanted.

I ended up going straight to the community garden after work to get some more food as I waited for Ruby to get off of work. I felt possessed as I gathered the things I would need for tonight.

That night we decided to meet at the park with a “gazebo”. Once again, she got there quicker than me. I asked her about this and learned about something called a “cab” that is like the car that picks me up for work, but will take you anywhere you wish to go in town. We hugged tightly when we saw each other and I could not help but to feel a strong sense of rightness as I held her in my arms. All thoughts of my old life flew from my mind as we began to talk.

We flirted for a while at first, it seemed like we both enjoyed that. In a way it was a calming activity. But soon it turned to more than just harmless flirting. I told her that she was more beautiful than all the flowers I had seen. As she smiled at me, my heart melted and I knew what I had to do.

I got done on one knew and drew out the ring that I had bought earlier that day. It had taken almost every last cent I had, but it was worth it. She was so shocked. I guess she assumed that I would break her heart since all I had talked about was going home, but here I am asking her to start a life with me. Maybe she still thinks that I’ll break her heart one day, but she said yes anyway.

I slid the ring on her finger before the reality of what I had just done hit me.

I had just gotten engaged. Again. I was already married. But did it matter? Ruby didn’t know about my old life, I never talked about it and she never asked. Part of me still wanted to go back home. I was comfortable there, but part of me wanted the thrill and adventure of starting a new life here, where I knew nothing and had so many more options. I hope she didn’t notice how my hands shook as we hugged after the proposal.

Would I still go home if I had the chance? Would I break her heart and leave her, or break my wife’s heart and bring Ruby back with me?

I think Ruby noticed my trembles. She didn’t want to give me a chance to change my mind. She found a way to get married right there, mere minutes after we got engaged. I now have two wives, two worlds, and although Ruby can take my mind off of it all, I don’t know what I’ll do.

As I stared into her eyes that night, I knew that this is what I wanted. But it was only part of what I wanted. I can’t have it all, but how do I choose what I can have?

Ruby was young like me, barely out of high school and working a part time job, so she wasn’t able to help much in the way of funds, but between what she had and what I got from my promotion we were able to build two rooms and almost a third. At least all of our things are out of sight from the road. I promised her that I would work extra hard to earn enough money to help build us a real house one day. We agreed to take it slow and slowly add on walls and rooms.

But first things first. We were a newly wedded couple after all. All thoughts of the future flew from my mind that night. As we fell asleep in each other’s arms I couldn’t help but smile in content and know deep down that somehow, everything would work out just fine.

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